Thursday, 23 July 2015

The Glass Cup Theory

Hello everyone, I am excited for so many reasons and I must say the Moments of Inspiration Segment is one of the major reasons.  Read about it Moments of Inspiration.

Our topic today is one that came while I was reading an article. You have to pardon my scientific skills today because I know it is only scientists that speak theories but then I am speaking a theory to make a difference and I pray it does.

The Glass Cup like we all know is used to hold liquids, water, juice, drink e.t.c. It is either full, half way gone or it is empty but then the most important theory of the glass cup whether big or small is that it can be REFILED. (N.B:The only time this theory has proven to fail is when the glass cup is broken.)

Applying the glass cup theory to our daily lives is what I want to speak about today.

Most times we tend to miss the point in our life just because we are debating on how far we have come and stating the amount of challenges we have faced thus far.

Most times people miss the point because they spend lot of time wailing over a challenge than they spend thinking about the solution. We know they are challenges, they would definitely surface, it is more or less inevitable, challenges maybe in career, in relationship, in marriage or the likes. These challenges will come but thinking of a solution is always the way forward.

Stating an example, one who wants to start a business, you face all sorts of challenges, if the finance is there, you could face the building a team stress, if that is in place you face another one. The challenges we see only come to us to make us think outside the box and think of the best way out, but then most people rather stay with the challenge mourning and sobbing with it than think of a solution.

Going back to the glass cup theory, the glass cup is in your hand and you have it half way gone, rather than keep complaining about how the cup is not full and how you kept it, someone came to pick it and drink from it, why not go ahead and use the solution which is to refill the cup, if possible dispose the water in it and start afresh. Thereby having clean full cup of water.

So my little advice from this theory is do not hold that half cup in your hand and keep complaining go find a solution and to you out there do not let that challenge whether big or small kill the strength you have on your inside, think out of the box and think a solution, for when there is life there is hope.

So here we go, do I have someone there who is saying from today I will stop complaining for too long I would rather look for a solution?

That's the Spirit.

Thank you for your time.

I would appreciate you share your ideas about this theory in the comment box below. And stay tuned as we get to start the Moment of Inspiration Segment Together.

Photo Credit:


  1. This is a beautiful one, sister! Everyone faces challenges, the key to moving ahead is to do something about them. Simple, yet profound. Please keep it up.

    1. Thank you so much Philip. Your thought is much appreciated.

  2. Lovely piece of writing. Just the right attitude to live life. Kudos ma'am!

    1. Dear Francis, thanks much for your comment.
