Wednesday, 15 July 2015

7 Things Couples Should Never Stop
In some relationships and marriages it gets to a time people start wondering what went wrong. I will be stating 7 things that couples not minding how long you have spent together should keep doing to keep the spark.

1. Praying together: A praying couple they say most times stay together. More often than not when people are new in relationships they tend to make all these a priority but with time these things begin to fade off and you hear excuses like no time again and for the married ones with kids, the children do not allow us to have time again and I ask since when did the kids stop becoming family? Why can't they be involved in the prayers. How busy can you be to spending 10 minutes to pray together becomes a long story. Choose a time today either in the morning or at night to say a word of prayer together. It is nice to actually hear your partner say blessings to your life. It is a form of keeping the bond stronger.

2. Complimenting Each other: Oh yea! I Know, I know.You see this guy/lady like everyday of your life I know but you know the truth you might be the first to see your partner everyday but you might not be the first to make them smile. Who is a witness of how a lady smiles when you tell her she is beautiful or how a man's confidence steps up when someone's says you are looking handsome, we know all these things, me I am guilty too o. So not minding the time or the number of years, compliment should be a way of life.

3. Plan a Surprise: I have heard couples say all these things na oyibo things, no be oyibo o. It is niceeeee. Surprises are never too much. You could even make it sweeter by planning a surprise after a misunderstanding. Nothing too big, you could decide to get a cake on your way home one day with sweet write-ups. The point is he/she never expected it so it brings the spark to the moment

4. Being there for each other: You got my back at all times. it's a good feeling to know that you have a partner who is always up for you, even when you are wrong. Even if it something you know your spouse can do, have their back at the moment in public and correct them later in private. Never talk against your partner in public. it is supposed to be both of you against the world.

5. Forgive Each Other: Never let the sun rise on an argument. Do not keep the issue till tomorrow, if you will forgive, then please make it happen fast. People say we need to show them two lessons, what lesson?, rather show them the lesson that forgiveness is real and love is sweet. Learn to forgive your partner and learn to do it fast, also learn to correct your partner with love and with a smile. I know its not easy but humans are born to err.

6. Hanging out with each other: Some days could just be termed as dinner night, where you and your partner get to go out and have fun. If kids start coming, let them join the music. Sometimes the fresh air helps to bring about cheer and laughter. Plan picnics, plan getaways, you can decide to lodge in a hotel just for a weekend to do something different. This brings about time together and spark to the relationship.

7. Communication: This is the final and most important point. Your partner is your colleague, your PA, your business analyst, your financial, emotional counselor. Let your partner know all you have to say. Effective communication brings about the strength of a relationship/marriage.

Theses are my own strong 7 points couples should never give up on

I would love to hear your views. Kindly drop your comments below and teach me that which you know too, let's learn from each other

Are you looking for a spark in your relationship/marriage? Then let's try these

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