Wednesday 30 September 2015


Last week on our moment of Inspiration segment, we discussed in the part 1 on five characteristics winners have and you too can possess to be a winner and stay a winner for ever. First of all, to all my Nigerians how did the Holiday go? Personally I loved it.

In this part 2, I will letting you in on 5 more characteristics that a winner should possess. The characteristics are a lot but I will be taking them gradually so we can digest them and practise them before adding more. They are short and simple if we decide to let them be.

Here we go, 5 Characteristics of winners include:

-Winners are Passionate: Passion is the drive to success. They love what they do and are passionate about it. They do not just do things but they do what they are passionate about. The inner obsession is the fuel to move them especially when the going gets tough.

- Winners are Hard Working: Winners are never found to be lazy about what they do. They put in all of their best, strength and time to see to the best result of their task.

-Winners Take Action: They stop speaking and start doing. Some people get stuck in their words as they never turn it into actions maybe because of fear or making a mistakes but a winners takes action.

- Winners are Risk Takers: Its a 50-50 chance of profit yet a winners gets into it. Why you might ask? That is because if you are a positive thinker no matter how tough the front looks you know you can make it, so winners always believe that taking the risk might just be a good try.

-Winners Learn from mistakes: Winners never dwell on their errors for too long. Rather they automatically use their errors to learn so as to prevent further occurrence of such. Rather than dwell on their errors they learn form it.

Let's hear it from one of our popular winners (Usain Bolt of Jamaica) on how he stays positive, believes in himself, takes action e.t.c.

So are we ready to win....#yesyes I know you can

This is the little I know. I would love to hear your views. Kindly drop your comments below and if you would like me to share an inspiration, idea or personal experience to help a life kindly send the write-up to and specify if you want to be left as anonymous.

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Negativity are the nails used to build a house of failure

When things are not going well, we tend to blame other factors and other forces. We do not know how powerful the things we say stand as obstacles to our very own life. How did your exams go? My dear, you see that exam I wrote now I am not even sure of getting a D. How Did you know? Have you written the exam before and not passed or have you seen the lecturer mark the first page. How did that Job interview go? My dear the rubbish I said there, I was just shaking and I could not give a reasonable response, I am not sure I will get the job. How Did you know?

Have you heard of speaking things from what they are not to what they are supposed to be, that's what I call Positivity. I so much hate negativity that it takes me far from people. I was going to fall a victim of that sometime in my life or rather I fell victim but God rescued me and since that day I vowed to always stay positive with my words.

I went for an interview in one company and when I was done, one of the persons waiting to enter asked me "how was the interview?" and I started, I said that annoying panel, I think they planned me, the questions they asked me where totally different from everybody's own, I do not even know what made me waste my T-fare coming here. But God being so kind after saying all the Negative statements I ended up saying to the person but if the Job is for me let God grant me favour even though I said rubbish inside there. And I got home, I was asked the same question by my sister, I quoted the same thing I told that person that was waiting to go in, *lol* and then I was really bothered because I needed that job. 2 weeks later my phone beeped and I noticed it was a text message from that company and I did not even open it, I started talking again, why will people just waste their time to compose a "WE ARE SORRY, WE CANNOT TAKE YOU" text message, this people must be jobless o. I did not even bother about the message.

Some hours later I got a call from the company calling to confirm if I got the message, as they awaited my reply. Huh? My eyes opened and one kind of smile came to my face, though I did not know whether it was good or bad o and I started wandering, so what are they talking about, as the caller did not even make me know whether it was for good or for bad but then I thought to myself they cannot be calling me for bad (guess that was my only positive thought all through the period), I quickly sat up and tried to find the message, when I opened it, Ah!! My dear, it was congratulation o.

So imagine if they did not call me, I would have stayed there wallowing in my world of Negativity and that would have caused me a job offer I really wanted. Imagine if that had happened to me like 3 times, going for interviews, speaking Negative, they send me a message, I ignore it because I assume it is bad news and then no job was coming my way.  obviously I will start blaming one force from somewhere when actually my negativity was my major force that led to my failure.

In the chart of success you have to make a choice.

You do not stand in the middle, it is either you speak positivity and believe it or you speak negativity and forget it. You can never do both. You cannot be negative and decide to act positive , it does not work that way. People spend so much energy watering their ground of negativity than nurturing their ground of positivity. Negativity is not a fertile ground but positivity is a fertile ground that even if you do not see it today, keep speaking, the seed keeps growing and in no time you will be due for harvest. Remember there are no forces but you are the force that gives room to failure, because once you speak negativity the forces automatically get the key to your success but when you speak positivity you shut the door to every force.

Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.- Willie Nelson

Are you ready to always speak positive?

If yes... start by speaking positive about all that you have once said to be negative. It is never too late you can start now.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Moments of Inspiration: How to be a Winner and stay a winner Part 1

From childhood I was made to understand there are two kinds of people, we have the winners and the losers. From childhood till adulthood, I notice there are people called out to be the best in sports, politics, academic competitions, business and various spheres of life and I also noticed that in the world at large people tend to scream and jump for winners but when one fails, heads are turned down and there is no excitement.

Do you ever get to wonder what these people do to stay at the top?, they are not doing anything that you cannot do. I often tell myself every human is created with one head, but we are left with the option of how to use that head right.

Staying at the top is not a thing that happens by chance or by luck, it is by knowing what to do and how to do it right. In this part 1, I will be sharing with you just 5 things a winners does that keeps them as winners:

Here you go:

 -Winners are Positive Thinkers: Positivity!!! Saying I can and it is possible. Winners never say I cannot, winners never say It is not possible. They believe the best out of everything they put their hands to do.

Keep saying it is possible, keep saying you can. Do not go negative about anything.

“An attitude of positive expectation is the mark of the superior personality.”  – Brian Tracy

-Winners take responsibility: A winner trains for his gold. I cannot train for you and you expect to make it, NO!!. A winner gets up and says this is my task and I will fulfill the very best of it. A winner takes control of his/her life and does not blame others or what goes wrong in it.

“Winners take responsibility, losers blame others.” ― Brit Hume

- Winners are humble: A winner never lets pride take his glory from him. He is ready to learn, open to new opportunities. A winner picks intelligent words from everyone, even a child because when those words are out together it accounts for your victory.

Self-praise is for losers. Be a winner. Stand for something. Always have class, and be humble. -John Madden

- Winners are self motivators: Winners do not wait for people to tell them you can do it or you cannot do it. They have the fire burning inside of them to keep them going even when the time gets tough.

“I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was.” – Muhammad Ali

-Winners are confident:Winners believe in who they are, they try new things,they believe in their abilities and their talents. They are conformable in their own skin and embrace their strengths and weaknesses.

“The best way to gain self-confidence is to do what you are afraid to do.” – Unknown

So are we ready to win....#yesyes I know you can 

This is the little I know. I would love to hear your views. Kindly drop your comments below and if you would like me to share an inspiration, idea or personal experience to help a life kindly send the write-up to and specify if you want to be left as anonymous. 

Monday 21 September 2015

Monday Inspiration: The principle of applying the correction fluid

Hello my amazing readers. How are we doing today? Its really cold out here but we stay thankful for every weather we get but sincerely, I feel like running home to my bed, tucking myself in my blanket or duvet like the foreigners will call it, turn the lights off and sleep, but yeeeaaah we have to work. Wheeew!

So what do we have in the bag today for another Monday Inspiration segment. I want to charge us today with the principle of applying the correction fluid.

What is a correction fluid?

A correction fluid or white-out, is an opaque, usually white fluid applied to paper to mask errors in text. Once dried, it can be written over. It is typically packaged in small bottles, and the lid has an attached brush (or a triangular piece of foam) which dips into the bottle. The brush is used to apply the fluid onto the paper.

A correction fluid is used to mask errors, it is used as a substance to place over an error, so something else can be written on it.

My question to you today is do you posses the characteristic of a correction fluid on your inside?. Not necessarily the bottle of the correction fluid but how many of us can act like the correction fluid?. How many of us can play the role of a correction fluid?. Whereby when one offends us we bring out the brush on our inside and mask off the error so it can be written over. Remember if an error is made on a paper there  are two options you either strike it off  or you use a correction fluid.
If you strike it off, you create a distance between the sentences, but if you use the correction fluid, you retain the space and you get the ability to  right the wrong 

The same thing happens in our lives, if we decide to keep a grudge or choose not to forgive we only create a gap between ourselves and the person involved but if we choose to bring out the correction fluid on our inside and mask the error then we give room for the person to re-write their wrong for good.

Do you have the characteristics of a correction fluid or do you find it difficult to mask off an error when someone offends you?

My Advice:

Try and make the characteristic of the correction fluid a part of your life, whereby you do not get to keep errors for too long but mask them so the person can right their wrong for good.

Learn to forgive, learn to look pass people's wrong.

It definitely is not easy but it is possible.

Humans, (Me inclusive) could be very annoying but how long do we want to store anger on our inside, why not just save two things, save the friendship/relationship and save the image you have of that person in your head.

Most times when someone hurts us we start to think otherwise of them, but I urge you today, Think of the correction fluid characteristic and apply it when you are at a point of anger or unforgiveness, so as to keep our friendship and relationships.

 Forgive quickly. The quicker you do it, the easier it is. ~ Joyce Meyer

Are you ready to let out the correction fluid characteristics in you?

If yes... start by masking out the error of the person who offended you who you still have not forgiven.

Friday 18 September 2015


Hey amazing readers. How are we doing today? It has been a workful season for me but then I must say it has been awesome. So yeah! What are we up to today? I am here once again to inject some positivity into you and spark your Spirit man to believe in who you are and not what they say you are.

Be careful, that might just be harmful to you do not hold on there any further.

I will be telling you about Four areas you should apply caution and ask yourself am I holding on to the right thing? But first of all I have to make you understand that to change who you are starts from a thought. Activate your thinking skills. Most times we are holding on to the wrong things but the inability to pull back for a minute and think makes us get to a point of regret. But I believe that will never be your case.

Yeah! The 4 areas I think we should apply caution when threading are:

There are lots of areas but I am going to be spreading more light on these because 90 percent of people fall victims in these areas.

-Relationship: What type of relationship are you in? Does it make you want to do more in life? Does your partner encourage you and vice-versa? Is your relationship making you a better person or otherwise? These questions are questions I definitely cannot answer for you, you just have to activate your thinking ability. But I will say a few about these questions and why you should not hold on to the negatives of it.

I naturally think a relationship should be your foundation for growth. A platform to move ahead and a stage where you have your number 1 fan cheering at you and encouraging you to do better, build your confidence and make you happy. Ask yourself am I in a relationship that if my spouse becomes Obama/Queen Elizabeth someday I could actually climb the podium to speak to the audience. Your partner is one who is supposed to help you grow your confidence, give you room to speak and hear what you have to say.

What's yours?

- Friendship: What types of friends do you keep? Is there a clear separation of friends and acquaintances in your life? Do your friends make you want to live right or do the wrong things? If your friends are called out, will you be proud to identify them as your friends? Here we need to sit and think again. Do not get me wrong, those who are wrong to you might just be right for others, so even if you have to think out the answers to these questions and make a move never make anyone feel terrible about themselves.

You have the right to choose who you call friends. Your friends should be people who you learn from and those who learn from you and I am sure we all have what we call good and what we call bad but the overall good on earth is the way of GOD. So if you must have friends I believe they should be friends that you can proudly identify with people who bring out the best in you.

You have the right to choose your friends, it's a self decision so choose right.

- Vision: Are we living our dreams or another's? Are you doing something now because you assume it is the right way to go not because your passion drives it. There is a saying that I love

If you do not know where you are going, everywhere seems like it.

Make the decision to find out what you were created for, you were designed for a reason and make sure you are doing it right. Living the wrong dream is like giving money to the wrong debtor and who does not like money?, they will collect and say thank you even when they know its not theirs, so you have to start saving again. Do it right the first time, the hurdles will come along the road but that should not make you loose the right path.

Past: Stop trying to hold onto the past. – You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading your last one.


So I ask you today, are you holding on to the right RELATIONSHIP?
Are you holding on to the right FRIENDS?
Are you holding on to the right VISION?

If yes, bravoooo. And if No, it is never (NEVER) too late to drop that and pick up the right thing.

I know you can.

Is there anything you know is wrong to hold on to?  Kindly let us know in the comment box below.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Moments Of Inspiration: Do You Know You Owe The World A Gift?

“Your life begins to change the day you take responsibility for it.” - Steve Maraboli

Here is another edition of Moments Of Inspiration. As I come once again to speak positivity to your soul and steer your Spirit Man.

Today I will be sharing a story about Paul Smith who made a Positive impact to his world with his typewriter though he suffered severe cerebral palsy. Even though he suffered from this deadly sickness, he knew he owed the world a gift he was sent to deliver and he made sure he dropped his gift before passing on.

He was sick yet he fulfilled his purpose. You keep speaking Negative things about your future. Feeling shattered, feeling depressed.

Why have you decided to tell yourself you are a write off, when God has not said so?

Why have you decided to make yourself feel like though you are not good enough, when you are just that great news the world is waiting for?

Have you ever taken a moment to ask yourself, did God bring me to this earth without a reason? Why am I here? What am I supposed to do? If you are asking these questions, then let's read how Paul Smith used his defect to make an effect in the world.

He lived at Rose Haven Nursing Home ( Roseburg , OR ) for years. Paul Smith, the man with extraordinary talent was born on September 21, 1921, with severe cerebral palsy. Not only had Paul beaten the odds of a life with spastic cerebral palsy, a disability that impeded his speech and mobility but also taught himself to become a master artist as well as a terrific chess player even after being devoid of a formal education as a child.

"When typing, Paul used his left hand to steady his right one. Since he couldn't press two keys at the same time, he almost always locked the shift key down and made his pictures using the symbols at the top of the number keys. In other words, his pictures were based on these characters ..... @ # $ % ^ & * ( )_ . Across seven decades, Paul created hundreds of pictures. He often gave the originals away. Sometimes, but not always, he kept or received a copy for his own records. As his mastery of the typewriter grew, he developed techniques to create shadings, colors, and textures that made his work resemble pencil or charcoal drawings."

This great man passed away on June 25, 2009, but left behind a collection of his amazing artwork that will be an inspiration for many.

You know that saying about "When life closes a door, God opens a window"? Well, I think God just helped this man build a whole new house.

What can you learn from him:

Not Everything is Impossible: He was sick, he could not talk and he could not move, yet he lived a life of achievement

Not everything might be possible, but the ability of your belief  makes you understand that not everything is also Impossible.

Do not let challenges hold you back. Do not let difficulties hold you back. Give up on the excuses and move to possibility.

Challenge yourself: Do not always feel comfortable with everything that comes your way, step out of your comfort zone.

Dare to learn new things. That thing you say is difficult might just be that path to your success.
Learn to expand on the little you know and better who you are, never feel like you know it all. In learning you make yourself a better person and you keep growing till you start excelling.

Challenge yourself, set a target and make sure it is achieved.

Your Success Story Depends on you: Paul Smith had the option of looking at his illness and letting that weigh him down but he decided to let his illness become a solid foundation for his growth.

He taught himself to become a master artist as well as a terrific chess player.

He made the decision. What decisions have you made today?.

Rather than sit and sigh why not sit and think. Make positive steps. Write down ways to move forward. No one can make these decisions for you, ONLY YOU CAN.

The way you make your bed, so you lie on it.

Sure you never knew to live through challenges was ever possible but now you know. So we are waiting for your gift.

Let's hear your view today, have you ever felt down, depressed and not good enough, what happened and what different steps will you take today.

Monday 14 September 2015

Monday Morning Inspiration: Your Happiness is Your Choice, Not theirs.

Hello amazing people, welcome to a new week, a new monday and a positive one at that. I am very sure it went well for us and for those that it did not go well for, stay positive, sadness does not last for too long, joy definitely comes in the morning.

I am here once again to steer us up for the week, wash out every negative thought as much as I can and keep feeding you with positivity through the week. Everything is possible.

At times in our lives we tend to loose our mood, we trade our happiness for things that we feel matter, but little do we know that anything that causes you depression should not matter in your life and we feel depressed, giving room to lots of negativity to step in.

Times were we let emotional problems, business failure, misunderstanding with a friend and the likes make us sad. Do you know that those situations actually are not the cause of your sadness, they just come as a phase, they come as a way of life and they give you the option to choose, if you wan to stay happy or if you want to stay sad. And if you must stay sad, for how long all these are choices you have to make. Do not let anyone make the decision for you, it is your phase not theirs, they can be part of your story but people can never live your story. You have the choice to choose what keeps you going and what weighs you down. But the ability to pick up after being weighed down and find your happiness is your decision.

I have come to realize that even when you share your story with people, they only proffer solutions, so people are people. The way you live makes an influence to the other, choose happiness ad spread the virus.

So this week, let us try this, remember I stated earlier that everything is possible, but it can only be possible if you believe. So I urge you to tell yourself "I CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY" . Is this weird? ( definitely it  is)  but is this possible? (Definitely it is).

Make conscious efforts to be happy this week with everyone and every situation around you, do not let the tears and sadness stay for too long, happiness is like a key that opens so many doors. Some people might be angry about your happiness but remember it is not about them, it is about you.

The happier you are, the more productive, welcoming, favoured and glowing you look. If you give room to depression, it will cost you your time, it will cost you character issues, it will make you lose out on a whole lot. If you are set out with a target to be productive this week, then Happiness is a key factor.


Happiness is contagious, it brings people your ways, do not let the negative action of one affect a thousand things and people around you..

So are you with me on this, is this possible? Dust off every vibe of sadness, trust me it is not necessary at all.

Pick a pen write it everywhere and keep looking at saying to yourself. TODAY I CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY. (Print the image below and paste it where you can always see it)

If you are going to make that conscious decision, start by writing in the comment  box below. I Choose to stay happy.

It is possible and I know you can do it. Have a most productive week. Gracias.

Thursday 10 September 2015

Moments of Inspiration: The power of taking actions

"We are responsible for what we are, and we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in future can be produced by our present actions; so we have to know how to act." Swami Vivekananda 

I will be letting you in on how much the actions you decide to take matters to everything around you.

We live in a world where most times we choose to let in on every situation that comes our way and we decide to stick with it, both the positives and the negative. We cloud our thoughts with the wrong thinking and we start saying I cannot do this. No one is there to support me, no one understands me, why should I leave this comfort zone and go struggle to make a living? The answer to all this is in your actions. People are out there waiting for you to take that action because it will not change your life but it will change theirs.

For two major reasons people tend to hold themselves back from the actions they are supposed to take and they include:

- It is a comfort Zone: Most people often tend to settle for things that exist and work around their comfort zone and make excuses why they should not go in pursuit of their visions. They often stay so relaxed because they would rather not stress themselves to make things that concern them work, everything tends to work at the snap of their finger at where they are currently and they say Oh,! this is just it. So why stress for what I will have to suffer myself before I can get the best out of it. The reason you have to  stress is because your sweat gives you an opportunity to want a refresh.

- My family and friends do not support my vision, so I give up: You have your dream all sorted, you have your plans put in place and then you share this to your friends and family and they tell you,"Why would you want to do that, do you not see that people are praying for where you are today and you want to leave saying you want to go in pursuit of what you are not sure of". That also is one lie to self that keeps you from your dreams and you start dealing with uncertainty. You family and friends can never GET your vision because it was never GIVEN to them from the onset.

How many people will you tell if you knew you were going to win. What will happen if you are crazy enough to take the actions to achieve your dreams because nobody will believe in you. I want to ask you today, what are you going to do? What are you willing to do?

How soon do you want to start realising that your dream is of little impact to you but it is for those of us who need it.

How soon do you want to walk out on uncertainty and say,do you know what, thanks for bring me thus far but today I know where I want to go and I know you definitely cannot go there with me.

They is plenty time but you have to rush like you are late for work. Make an unwavering move of faith and say its high time to move and keep moving, Take that action today. Do not wait for someone to pull you, pull yourself and make that push till you find yourself at the top.

Your action is a move to serve someone. Are you ready to serve someone and look back and say this step of action was worth it and say to your family thank you for making me by who I am today.

What are you going to do? What are you willing to do?

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Moments Of Inspiration: A Purpose Driven Life with Gloria Okaiman

A purpose driven life is a life that is focused, it's a life that is divinely guided.
You see in life, I have learnt some lessons. I learnt to stop taking things for granted, I learnt to say I love you to people I truly love, I learnt to make the most of each day because each new day you get to live comes as a gift from God and is filled with opportunities that may never come your way again until you leave this earth.

Therefore, making the most of the present moment is wisdom. If you don't make the most of the moment, you lose it and all the benefits it offers you. You must take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way to fulfill your purpose in life.

A wise man said "don't be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. One man gets only a week's value out of a year while another man gets a full year's value out of a week." 

Unfortunately, we get so caught up in the details of our day to day lives that we just don't have the time to seize the day or the moment! We have deadlines and commitments, problems and priorities, distractions and obstacles, and though we really want much fulfillment from each day, it just doesn't seem to be within our grasp because we are probably chasing the wrong things or having the wrong mindset.
Not many of us are willing to admit an average life by nature, we want our lives to be full and prosperous. Therefore, God's way of encouraging us to live a good life is enshrined in Philippians 3:7-16. If you would only learn to follow the examples of Apostle Paul in this scriptures, you would learn to make the most of every opportunity you have and live life to the fullest, no matter how hectic your life may seem. I noticed in this scripture, that Apostle Paul shows us three ways to live a more fulfilling life. 

(1) Find a purpose (verse 10-11). Many people believe that their purpose in life is to be a good wife or husband, a good mother or father, do their job better, be a good teacher, doctor etc. To be fair to them, all these are good purposes in life, but they are all secondary purposes. God's primary purpose for every person is to accept Jesus as Saviour and Lord, live to advance the kingdom here on earth and turn others to him. The question is how many of us have these as our purpose of living? 

(2) Forget the past (verse 13). There are two elements of the past that you must forget - the bad and the good. You must stop brooding over your past mistakes and frittering away your time reliving the "good old days."  Move on with your life! 

(3)  Face the present (verse 13). It is easy to live in the past and dream away the future. But it is a challenge to face the present, because it means you can no longer allow yourself the luxury of saying, "one of these days I'll do something about my temper.... My commitment to God.... My health.... My responsibility to my family" and so on. 

To enjoy living and fulfill God's purpose for your life, you must be wise and judicious in the use of your time. Live everyday as if it is your last. If you have lost any opportunity, re-plan your time and life. Renew your life at the end of each day and seize every moment of each day to serve God and influence the people around you positively. 

Have a blessed day my lovelies and don't forget to make someone smile today. 


To read more post from Gloria, vist her blog at

Monday 7 September 2015

Monday Morning Inspiration: After the Rain comes Sunshine

Hello amazing people. It is a new week and yes, our hustles and bustles for the new week has kicked off. But it is our tradition to get a little inspiration to guide us through the week, we are here to do so again.

After the rain comes sunshine. This quote is one I think I have heard times without number and every time I hear it, it bring a huge smile on my face and I feel yes, I just heard that right word. I pray it does same for you.

After the rain comes sunshine, simply said is after every storm there comes a calm moment.

Do not get drowned when the storm of life comes with it's wave. Do not loose your heels when the road becomes rocky just believe that after all of this waves and the rocky road, there is the calmness and the smooth path waiting for you ahead.

Certain things can happen that will want to weigh you down one way or  the other, maybe a colleague talking to you in the wrong way, a clash with the spouse, a failed project, there are quite a number to name. These are trials, they must definitely come.

A trial process is one we definitely all have to go through in our different phases of life. And these trials most times come with so much pain, sadness, emptiness and suffering, which of course "NO ONE IS IMMUNE TO".

But the important part is to hold on and remind yourself that things will certainly and surely get better. After a Storm, the Sun will definitely shine again and it would not just shine, it will smile on you. It may take a few hours, it may take a few minutes or even a  few days. But it will happen.

Here are some EMERGENCY NUMBERS to call during the following phases of life:

When you feel worry & Down - Call Romans 8:31
When you feel Depressed - Call Psalm 27

When you call these numbers be sure to see the sun shine faster than you imagined.

Remember that time heals wounds, the sadness will pass and you shall smile again.

Have a most productive and blessed week. All your heart desires shall be granted this week, In Jesus Name.

Please share your thoughts in the comment box below. Gracias.

Image source: Devian Art

Friday 4 September 2015

Are you faced with discouragement? and asking What Do I do?


Hey everyone, how are we doing today. How has life been to us? From some I hear amazing, to a few just there and to others really terrible. Oh yea! I hear those answers, and a few like myself go further and say life has been awesome. I answered this question to one of my friends one day and he goes, life always remain awesome for you, do you mean it or are you just saying it?. And I answered why should I say what I do not mean, I mean every single alphabet in it's awesomeness, even when I cannot see it being awesome, I feel it being awesome. We will discuss this further some other time but for now I can lend you my response, so if I ask how was your day or how is life, please feel free and use my response IT HAS BEEN AWESOME. I won't charge you for it.

So yeah! Let's talk a little about discouragement today,what is discouragement? "when you loose confidence and enthusiasm" "when you loose the zeal to go forward or appreciate who you are and what you do?" Does anybody agree with me? Oh yeah! Google dictionary does.

I learnt Discouragement is an emotion attached to a person's character. Hmm!! Emotion and character, two very important words that affect who we are and how we function. Character is who we are and emotions how we function. So when you are discouraged, you loose both? Wow Amazing.

But then I am here to tell you today that do you know you can have both emotion and character together and in turn take discouragement far away from your life? If you didn't, now you know and I will tell you how.

With no bias feelings I will be telling this story.

Thursday 3 September 2015

Happy Happy Birthday to You Mr Philip Amiola (Blog Visitor)

My Goodness, for some reasons I decided to check my mail after a very busy day handling office matters. And I was fortunate to have been right on time.

This is a warm happy birthday wish to one of my amazing, inspiring, soul-lifting readers. Just when discouragement wants to set in, he sends this very great mail, that made me believe in the future more than ever.

They are people you have not met but their actions in your life makes you feel like things just happen for a reason.

Please all, help me wish a warm HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Mr. Philip Amiola. May the Lord continue to increase you and bless you, May he cause his light to shine on you and may all who see you call you favored. In Jesus name. Amen

Please all, help me wish him a warm HAPPY BIRTHDAY.....God bless

Tuesday 1 September 2015

30 DAYS CHALLENGE (SEPTEMBER 2015): Positive Affirmation, 8 Glasses of Water=1 Day

Welcome to the the first 30 Day Challenge exercise on Life Treasury's blog and I am sure it will continue.  (Use hash tag #LT30DayChallenge), I got this inspiration from Elizabeth ( The aim of this exercise is to help transform who we are our believe, our thought and work on our health. We believe that the words that come out of our lips everyday tend to make an impact on how we carry ourselves daily so it is necessary we put in conscious effort to speak the right words to ourselves so as to cultivate a habit for our unconscious times.

This is going to be a fun 30-Day Challenge that I know will change our mindset if we set out to participate diligently. Get into the team and make this work.

Our monthly challenges will hence include but are not limited to-

Healthy Challenge
Fitness Challenge
Spiritual Challenge
Water Therapy
Book Reading
Personal Development
30 Day Challenge Mix (A mix of different challenges at the same time)

We are also open to contributions, as far as they add positive value and are in line with our core value which is to transform lives positively. As much as we love fun and creativity, we do not allow any form of violence or vulgar language or any negative attitude that will affect other people. This challenge is strictly for the aim of transforming lives positively and helping individuals to live intentionally and achieve their purpose in life. We believe that our feelings, thoughts and words are all seeds that attract towards us and manifest what we feed them. It all starts from our minds. Once we can think it, we can do it.

Now, let’s join our minds, hearts and hands together towards achieving our 30 Day Challenge goals. Are you ready?????

In order to really enjoy this challenge, it’s best to work with an accountability partner or a group. To join in, follow our Facebook Pages and use the hashtag- #LT30DAYCHALLENGE. Don’t forget to tell your friends/family about it and spread the word.

Positive Affirmation:  These are positive statements that describe a desired situation, which are often repeated, until they get impressed on the subconscious mind.
This process, pushes the subconscious mind to take action and to strive to make the positive statement come true.

For this challenge we are going to be saying, posting,writing and tweeting 5 positive affirmations daily

Your subconscious mind accepts as true what you keep saying. It attracts corresponding events and situations into your life. So why not choose only positive statements, in order to get positive results?

= 1 DAY

8 Glasses of water Daily: You have gone through the day taking in a lot of junk, look for a way to blend water with that so as to wash out the sugar and make you healthier, happier and refreshed. 

I suggest you take Two (2) glasses in the morning, (2) during lunch and (2) at night. Yes we can make this happen. If you are ready to do this come join our group on Facebook.

Join our Facebook group:  Life's Treasury Blog to follow up and share your success updates. 

You could drop a message to be part of the closed group.

Moments Of Inspiration: Getting the Best Out of Your Job with David Jayeoba

I have noticed that 90% of us aren't doing what we love and we are just settling with what we do either because we don’t want to stay at home idle or the pay is good so why not do it and this causes us to dread our job. I came across a post which I could totally relate with, it says “Mondays are fine, it’s your life that sucks”. It got me thinking that truly if you love what you do, you’ll always be look forward to Mondays and even during the weekends you’ll still want to go to work, Ha! Don’t let me assume that one, lol.

Here are some things I think we can do or imbibe to enjoy our jobs and get the best out of it.
      Motivate and Inspire Yourself: It has been proven that students in school that keep saying they hate a subject end up failing that subject. We should always say these words “I love my Job” and over time we will actually grow to love it even if we don’t at that moment. This is what the power of confession can do.
We should learn to listen or read motivational messages that can always inspire our day and week, also learn to say positive things about our job constantly like I enjoy my work, I love my office, My Colleagues are the best, my boss is the best etc. All these confessions will become a reality overtime and you will begin to notice changes

·         Always be Happy: It is paramount to maintain a state of ecstasy at work because it will go a long way in helping you enjoy that job. It is also normal and constant for some factors at work like colleagues, a task, your boss to bring down your spirit and kill your happiness constantly but it is necessary to always be happy at work and not give in to these factors. Always do things that will keep you happy like crack a joke once in a while with colleagues, listen to music; trust me this particularly has a way of lifting one’s spirit, spare a minute to watch a funny video once in a while if you can, I’m not saying all day, lol.
These among others should help maintain your happiness at work even when earlier mentioned factors are involved.

·         Develop an interest for what you do: it is key to develop an interest for what you do if you want to enjoy it. Be inquisitive, try to find out more things related to that area, know the nutty-gritty of the job and all these should be done genuinely.

·         Learn to take a Break: Everything on the earth has a time for recess, so taking a break from work sometimes at work is needed and helpful. Just stop anything work related at that point and try to calm down by freeing your mind, you can even take a walk and all this is just for you to relax and have a clear mind when you resume back to your work.

·         Do the right things: Doing the right things at the right time at work can help make your office environment a way better place because it will help shield and prevent you from a lot of issues which will make you start disliking the job. We should learn to do what is expected of us per time and even try to be proactive, doing this will make the office have a better feel for you. Try not to take things at the office personal and just relate with things professionally so that when you get reactions and treatments from either colleagues or bosses you’ll just immediately know this happened because we are in the office and that mindset helps you not get offended and just carry on with being happy.

All these points listed, when you try them will definitely yield results because they are actually tips that have been proven, tested and approved by yours truly *winks*.

The first thing we should know is that for us to get the best of our job, we have to be mentally prepared, then try these therapy and yes we will see results which will lead to us growing to enjoy our workplace.

Are we going to try these therapy out? Will love to hear if it worked for you or not in the comment box below. xoxo


Hello everyone, Happy new month to us.

Yaaaay! I am so excited, I feel like a baby and I feel like I am acting really cheesy today and yes that's because its my birth month. I always look forward to my birth month because it comes like very very late in the year... Jeeez it is the 9th Month of the year, there is a difference of only 3 months left to the end of the year, so at the beginning of the year I am like, oh yeah lets wait for this. But then oh yeaah!!! it's here,yaaay.

My mum had a perfect calculation, she took in January and gave birth on the 9th month exactly, so yeah all September babies are children of perfection you know, we make an accurate count for child birth from the beginning of the year.

And above all I am excited that I have amazing, awesome readers to share that special day with me. I will share my special story on that day so stay glued.

I am extremely grateful to God for bringing us thus far and I  know in this month of September, our heart desires shall be met.

N.B: The gifts can start coming in, send me a mail to find out the date and my address and yeah I am not the best with the horoscope thing so I do not know where I fall(Libra or something #noidea). Loool.

Love my readers so so much. HAPPY HAPPY NEW MONTH FROM ME TO YOU. (All shades of me..Hahaha)

Take out a second to wish me happy new month too in the comment box below. xoxo