Monday, 13 April 2015

God First(1ST) , Lover Second (2ND)

There comes a time in relationships that we notice that things have moved from how they are supposed to be to how they are entirely not supposed to be.

I had the privilege of meeting a girl that complained to me about her relationship and that was my inspiration of this series, I would not be mentioning any names for privacy reasons.

She came to me looking all sad and full of worries and from her facial expression you could tell everything was wrong. I finally asked what was wrong and before she could say anything she broke down in tears. I stood wondering what really this could be and then she asked, why are things not working out for her? her relationship is not working and things are not just going right, then I knew we were up for a long conversation. And I asked her, please explain yourself dear.

She spoke to me and said she has done everything humanly possible to make her relationship work, she started listing all she did and I would let out only but a few. She told me she changed her church because her boyfriend did not like where she attended and when she did that things were going well with her relationship until furthermore her boyfriend told her he did not like how she went to church during the week and all of these service unit meetings. Without hesitation, she reduced or rather stopped attending them and she started spending more time with him, she told me that she did not have a problem because at least she could pray at home.

Then she smiled and said he was really excited and things were going on really interesting. They hung out most times, they did almost everything together and she told me that she just knew God had heard her prayers and given her the best. Then all of a sudden things changed, the guy always gave excuses why he could not go out with her and how he needed time to concentrate on other things. She said she did not know who to run to for advice, she did not know what to do. And I asked how long have you guys been dating and how serious were you guys? She said they been dating for a year (1 year) 3 months and her family did not know him. So she could not even make all these complaints to her family and she also feels God has given up on her because since she decided to change her job she has had problems with finding a new one job. 

Now she is jobless, she has no relationship and she almost cannot say she is a Christian anymore.

Wow!!! I thought I was watching a movie.

After she said all of these, she asked what is she going to do now? That I should please advise her. Then I realized it was reality.

 Little of my own knowledge but with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, I told her lets thank God first for making you realize yourself before it got too late, the place of putting the lover first and placing God second is the place I think you lost it. But since things are like this now, let’s get back on track and turn the table, put God first and let the lover be second. The lover can get tired but God can never get tired of you. The lover can change but God can never change, the lover can say I am no more interested but God is always interested.
Above all the lover did not know how you were created but God is the one who created yourself and the lover in question.

It is easy because you have known who God is and when things were going really great you knew it was Him, and since he doesn't change, you actually should pick your pieces up, find yourself in God and he will sort everything out for you.
Put God first and the lover second and your total joy shall be restored.

This is also a story of someone out there, who has let relationship control our Christian life and my advice would be for you to note that things never go wrong when you put God first but if you put man first, man may fail you.
Like my father in the Lord will say you cannot make one eye to look up and the other to look down, never claim to be looking unto God when you are looking unto man.

The ability for us to realize where things went wrong is because God wants us to retrace our steps. Do not wallow in the well of sadness, Dust it off, put yourself together and tell yourself from henceforth in any relationship I will place God first and the lover second.
This is the little advice I gave. If you had to advise her what will you say? Kindly drop your comments below. If you have stories to share, please do not hesitate to contact me via email on

Have a nice week.


  1. This is such a serious topic. It's something that I think a lot of people struggle with (especially women). Although, you said it well, this lady's case seems like something out of a movie. It's something I've learnt as well. God should really have no other place but number 1 in anyone's life. Nice post. xoxo
