Just when I was about to start writing, a friend said, instead of using the Topic "Taking the blame" why not use "Be JESUS" because he is the only one who took totally all of our blame on his shoulders. If you share same mindset then this is for you.
But then I ask can you be the Savior to the person next to you? can you be the Savior of your relationship, can you take the blame and just say okay lets keep all of this issue aside, I take the blame and am sorry. What automatically do you feel will happen? We should try it...*smiles*
For me I believe if am not the one at fault and I take the blame, it just automatically makes the next person feel belittled, his/her actions might speak pride but then trust me the conscience will never be at peace. For the sake of peace you did take take the blame and then you can only say thank you Lord for making me act like you. Let me spice this with a true life story.
Sarah Zadok shares her story, Yesterday morning was a prime example and my husband was on the receiving end... Poor guy. I had to be at a doctor's appointment at 8:30, but we pressed "snooze" on the alarm clock one too many times and all got up late. We rushed around trying to get kids fed, adults caffeinated, lunches made, hair done, teeth brushed, sandals found and backpacks packed… The usual morning madness, just way short on time.
By the time we got everyone strapped in their car seats and delivered to their classrooms, we were pushing 8:20 and I still had to drop off my husband and get to my appointment. By the time the last kid was dropped off, the stress of the morning reached its crescendo, and I proceeded to lay down my royal flush of emotional cards in my epic battle to win the "blame game" with my husband.
"Why didn't you set the alarm to go off earlier?..You know I hate being late…Why is it always my job to pack the lunches?...You should be way more supportive!" By the time I screeched up to his office building, my poor husband had been exposed to enough verbal toxins to destroy a whole layer of ozone. But I sped away in a tizzy, feeling completely justified in my attack.
It wasn't until after my appointment (which I made with time to spare) that I started to feel like perhaps I had overdone it in the "my-husband-is-to-blame-for-everything" department. I started to feel really badly for behaving so childish and awful. So, I called his office and left an urgent message with his secretary. I told her to tell him "Ain hadevar talui ela bi (The matter rests entirely with me, the responsibility is all mine)." I knew he would understand what I meant. We had learned that lesson together through the following story...Story from the Blame Game.
Imagine how she felt when her husband did not say a word, he took the blame.
We should learn to take the blame most time and not always blame our partner for every crime. Christ took all of our blames we should reciprocate same.
PRACTICAL: Try this, take the blame for that issue, say am sorry. Even if you know you are right.
Send the result to me via my email address chukwuuju@ymail.com
This is the little I know, the floor is open for you to say what you think....
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