Saturday, 2 April 2016

#Redefining Self for Leadership: Part 1 (Words of the mouth).

We never know how powerful the words we use can be powerful until we become victims, people value us by what we say, most things happen to us by what we say and lots more. To be a person of value and to be valued, you have to mind how you use your words. 

Leadership starts from our words.

I personally do know how dangerous the words of the mouth are because I have been a victim.

Happy New Month to us all.

The first quarter is over and it is time to refine self. So we will be doing a series on refining self.  

I remember in the past I always said, I do not like business, it was always said as a joke from me to friends who always wanted to come up with business ideas to support what we got from our parents.

Little did I know how powerful those jokes were until I actually started a business. I put up items online and getting to go through the process of satisfying my customers without delays was a major problem. There really was no major reason why the delays always occurred but I knew they did and with consistent delays my account got suspended.

After about 3 weeks of sending apology emails, I got favored, came back online, I tried my very best, made sure I delivered on time but then some way I got suspended again.

I was angry, furious and just when I was about to say I hate doing business, it dawned on me that I had said this before and that definitely was my problem.

The words I said from my mouth had registered in my mind that even though I thought I was doing my best, I did not really care about the business, because my mind was working with that consciousness.

I began to take steps to conquer that which I had said, one of which was writing down "I do love business" and putting it everywhere my mind could see it and then I kept saying it over and over again. I did not just get back to business, my sales doubled.

Same thing happens when we talk down on ourselves, we never know how powerful the words of our mouth are because we are fast to blaming the Spiritual forces, sometimes we are actually our own force.

Was my case spiritual? Obviously not, I actually caused it for myself.

That life you desire might just be held back by the words of your mouth.

Be careful so as not to be your own enemy.

Mind the words you say to yourself because nobody can appreciate you better than you.

People place a value on you by the words that come out of your mouth. At a time my friends stopped coming to share business ideas with me because they saw me as one who could not handle a business. Why? Because I said so. 

Not only do our words mean a lot to us, they affect us positively or negatively and also says a lot about who we are.

Guide what words you use for the months ahead and let's see how your words open doors to you. 
In this next quarter, get a list of affirmations to say to yourself about your business, concerning yourself and about things happening around you. 

Be a leader by the words you say everyday to people.

I knew the importance of affirmations after reading the Morning Miracle by Hal Elrod, It is a step by step process on correcting your life before 8am, you should go read it too.

1 comment :

  1. Hey Twinnie! I love that picture up there. So beautiful.

    I never used to like business too. But lately, God's telling me to "Do Business". Coincedence? I am now using my words to open doors for my business. Voice-over Artist:)

    Thank you for this article.
