Saturday, 23 April 2016

‪#‎Redefining‬ Self for Leadership Part 4 (Communication)

If we do not speak we definitely cannot be heard.

Communication has been seen in studies to be the most effective way of getting information across to people for better understanding.

Research shows that about 85.5% of the things that happen in life are by communication and 15.5% percent are based on assumption.

This simply states that communication is an important form of our everyday life.

Communication has further been referred to as a two-way channel that involves the sender of the information and the receiver. And as an individual our ability to communicate plays a vital role in our ability to have people listen to us and give us as much value as we deserve. If we do not communicate we give people, the option to deal with us based on assumptions.

As an individual to be seen as a person of influence you have to be confident and pass information. To get things done, make a point, pass information across, all require communication.

Key things to watch out for when having conversation or trying to communicate a message across is:

- Let the communication be birthed with value: Give ideas, be a listening ear, bring solutions)

- Talk, do not shout: Do not feel that the best way people can hear you is when your pitch is high. A high pitch does not depict a high value message. Let your tune be normal so people can understand you. Even if you are trying to build confidence start with words that lighten the mood of people. Words like, Hello, Hi. They can be referred to as communication starters.

- Communicate with an open mind: Do not cloud your conversation with only what you believe, learn to also be a receiver, in that way people will always want to listen to you.

- If need be change the subject: If you notice you are speaking to people who barely understand what you are saying, nothing stops you from stopping and starting all over again.
Communication leads to understanding and effective communication leads to results.

So it’s up to you now, what ways have you been getting it wrong in your communication? Do you think you are not being heard when you communicate? Try these steps of communicating and let us see what the results will be.


  1. Such great words, I hope you don't mind me sharing them on my Facebook Page! Lovely blog post girl!

    1. Thank you so much Jodi. Please feel very free to share.
