Saturday, 30 April 2016

Webinar: Strategies for Individual Effectiveness

Kindly sign up for my webinar coming up by 2pm (GMT+1) . Click on this link to be a part of it .

Thank you and See you soon.

Saturday, 23 April 2016

‪#‎Redefining‬ Self for Leadership Part 4 (Communication)

If we do not speak we definitely cannot be heard.

Communication has been seen in studies to be the most effective way of getting information across to people for better understanding.

Research shows that about 85.5% of the things that happen in life are by communication and 15.5% percent are based on assumption.

This simply states that communication is an important form of our everyday life.

Communication has further been referred to as a two-way channel that involves the sender of the information and the receiver. And as an individual our ability to communicate plays a vital role in our ability to have people listen to us and give us as much value as we deserve. If we do not communicate we give people, the option to deal with us based on assumptions.

As an individual to be seen as a person of influence you have to be confident and pass information. To get things done, make a point, pass information across, all require communication.

Key things to watch out for when having conversation or trying to communicate a message across is:

Saturday, 16 April 2016

‪#‎Redefining‬ Self for Leadership Part 3 (Setting Priorities)

Everything is necessary but some are important and a few are urgent.

I once had a conversation with a friend and I realized that he complained a lot about him being so busy that he hardly had time to meet up with important things.

Giving thought to this I realized that sometimes time is not the issue but the proper placement of priorities matter.

To be identified as a person of high importance and relevance we have to set priorities and stick to them. Now, you have the question going on in your mind, what if changes come?

For a professional, working in an organization where you barely cannot make your priority list because one job or the other comes up and you try so hard to please everyone. If a task comes to your table and you have your priority set, you could politely say, I am working on these few within this delivery time but will definitely make out time for yours within these hours. This statement does two things, it keeps you on check and assures the other person that you would get it done even though not at that same hour.

The idea of trying to please people against our own priorities can lead to a few, which includes

Saturday, 9 April 2016

‪#‎Redefining‬ Self for leadership: Part 2 (Your Identity)

There is one thing we can never run away from and that's our shadow. Even if we try to leave it goes with us wherever we go. That exactly is what our identity feels like.

We barely know how much influence we leave in the life of people we meet or hang around. By our identity, people tend to look up to us or ignore us based on what we display to them. Our identity is our stigma that we almost cannot depart from.

Having to lead simply means getting to have the right identity.

What then depicts the right identity?

Saturday, 2 April 2016

#Redefining Self for Leadership: Part 1 (Words of the mouth).

We never know how powerful the words we use can be powerful until we become victims, people value us by what we say, most things happen to us by what we say and lots more. To be a person of value and to be valued, you have to mind how you use your words. 

Leadership starts from our words.

I personally do know how dangerous the words of the mouth are because I have been a victim.

Happy New Month to us all.

The first quarter is over and it is time to refine self. So we will be doing a series on refining self.