Monday, 23 November 2015


Beautiful people, how are we doing today? How was the weekend? Mine was kind of stressful but then we are up and bouncing because it is Monday.

What have I got in the bag for you this week? Yeeeeaah yeaaah! Nothing much, through this week we are going to be doing the stretch technique. Not as an exercise this time but as an activity.

What’s this activity all about you might ask? Oh well I am here to tell you.

Have you ever tried wrapping your hair, for the ladies with a hair band, normally it looks pretty small but to make it fit in you have to stretch it, till most times we end up getting double wraps to hold our hair pretty tight and then you admire your hair because it looks really pretty to you.

That is the same thing we ought to do for life. Keep stretching, do not settle for where you are today claiming you have achieved it all, or you are wondering how further you can go from where you are

You were not created to get to a position and be stagnant, there is no stop button in the journey of life (except at death), there is only a reset button.  If you realise you are not moving it is because you have decided to stop where you are.

You can only achieve if you press, not if you rest.

Wherever you were yesterday, you definitely are not supposed to be in the same position today. Why, you may ask. And my answer is “Your creator never performs his greatest acts in your yesterday

If you have a child and you watch that child grow, every day you want to keep seeing to the best of the child, you are conscious about the growth of the child, you might even go as far as checking if the child grew taller by the day and new character the child learnt from his/her sleep, so is life for you too.

Where you were yesterday can never be your final step, you need to stretch yourself. If one door seems closed, look for a different route. If your God ordained vision is not going as planned, do not let it bother you, just remember that the only perfect one “your creator” makes no mistakes, it will happen just keep pressing.

No one can stretch you or make you any less of who you are. People who have said negative things in the past cannot stop you from becoming the great person you are destined to be.

In this new week my one stop advice is, Stretch yourself to your next level and never think you cannot achieve your dream because most times the size of our dream does not fit into our body size for now but it is designed for our body size in the future, you need to grow with your dream, if you abandon it, someone else will be glad to pick it. There is more to be said but let us stop here.

So keep moving forward and keep stretching yourself to your next level.


Have an amazing week.


  1. No giving up. I will continually stretch... The dreams are achievable not because we are so great on our own but because the greater one is in US... and He inspires us to dream big...God and I... Team unbeatable. Enlarging my coast๐Ÿ‘Œ

    Thanks Uju.๐Ÿ™Œ

    1. Yaaaay! This sounded like giving me my words back. Never knew they had this much force. Thanks for speaking to me in return and YES YES to the zeal of enlarging your coast.

      You are welcome dear.

  2. Your analogies are just on point. :-)
    Love that hair band one. It's impossible to use it without stretching it. So we need to stop expecting results while trying to avoid stretching ourselves. #notetoself
    Thanks for the reminder and motivation.
    Have a fun and productive week. x

    1. Thank you so much dear and thanks for always coming around.

  3. Nice inspirational words: Keep stretching, do not settle for where you are today claiming you have achieved it all
