Saturday, 18 June 2016

The 6th Month Relaxation and Year Plan Review

The 6th month of the year is here, it's almost up and it has got most of us having cold feet. A Lot was expected to be done before now but yet little or nothing has been achieved or not as much has been achieved.

It has not gotten bad yet, all it might just need you to do is take some time off. The only way you can get to run at a faster speed is if you take some time to train and understand the tracks and what the race looks like. The same goes with putting your vision into action for the months left in the year.

The ultimate secret for greater success is to RELAX and REVIEW. Try working on all the things that you necessarily have not done right.

It does not always require an "I can do Spirit" to get things going. Sometimes you need to hold on a little and find out what is making things not happen right.

An "I can do Spirit" is definitely a solid foundation for the achiever but what happens when you are saying you can but in the actual sense you are NOT?

Is it worth the struggle? Never get to think or believe that everybody is going ahead and you just have to put in your best to get there.

The pace of others is not your pace as you have your own race to run.

If your plan is not playing out just how you want it, it is high time for you to Relax a bit and do a Review. The months left can only get better.

Challenge for YOU.

Look into that goal you had for this year and carry out a RELAX and REVIEW action on it.

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