Saturday, 28 May 2016

Does my mood have anything to do with my thoughts?

I remember when I used to be the Lady of the mood swingers, when the next minute I am happy and then some moments later, I become the devil you never want to meet, my mood swing was actually like the kids swing, it swings from up to down at will. I almost did not know how to control it but then I also did not like what was going on, some even went ahead to say I was suffering from bi-polar disorder.

I intentionally decided to find out what exactly was going on with me. Why can I not just be happy and remain happy, why do I have to switch moods without a reason.

The truth is I thought there was no reason but they actually were reasons and the major reason was my thoughts.  The thin line between the moment we are happy and the moment we are not is the things we think about. As my journey to finding a solution to this “disorder” began, I realised whenever I listened to songs I always felt like I just got a revival but then it was not about the songs, it was the thought of the feel behind the song.

It is simple to know that the thoughts that go on in our head defines our behaviour. The behaviour/character we let out is as a result of the thoughts we had in our head.

I got to discover personally that my moods were as a result of thoughts of offences, character or action that I could not maybe speak or complain to the individual about. So I believed I had let it go but then It came up someway and somehow to trouble my mind and in turn switches who I am in some minutes.

This is what happens when we tend to store up a whole lot of things from the past on our inside. The thoughts that come out to be negative actions are those thoughts that store up in our minds to become garbage and the best way to let your thoughts be right is to let go of the garbage.

Free up the space.

Are you going to free up your space today?

Is it possible to let go of the garbage? YES IT IS!

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