Thursday, 4 February 2016

You Give the World What You Want Them To Say About You

It has never been said of a lion that he is a goat, even if he tries to wear the skin of a goat, his character will definitely still sell him off.

I have grown to discover that most of the things that people say about us are things that we give them permission to say, maybe from a previous act of ours or something.

I had to go for a program one day and I needed to obviously dress official, but then guess I dressed too official and after that meeting I was asked if I attended one leadership program, that my face looked very familiar, it took me the whole world to get these people convinced that I had never even heard of this program.

Thinking I had done my best in convincing them, some days later on my way to work I met the person who anchored the program and a friend of his and he said, this Lady came for my program and she claims she did not attend the Day Star Leadership program and the friend goes, really? it is possible she didn't, maybe it is just her corporate looks that is actually making you guys feel she did.

And then it got to me, that you actually give the world what you want them to say about you, there might be those who are out there to gossip, but if you are you, out of a population of 5 Gossips, one must say, No! I think this lady or this guy is not that way.

There are two major things that get people making statements of you:

-Character: It is your first voice, before you say a word to a person your character speaks first. The moment you walk into a place automatically you have started speaking, not necessarily the words from your mouth but the words of your actions. From how we walk through the door, how we notice everyone around us and greet people, our facial expressions and many more. It has a lot to do with what people will store in their hearts about you. It either says, he/she is so calm, so decent and well mannered, or he/she is so rude, so proud and so on (the negatives always keeps a longer conversation)

Another illustration of character is around people who mean a whole lot to you. Maybe  a boyfriend, a girlfriend, husband and wife. People tend to say I can act anyhow because he/she knows me. That is not so true, when you act different it automatically opens a second book.
These people you are dealing with are humans and when your character starts to go the wrong way, then it gives room for things like Divorce and Breakups.

Imagine your spouse or partner gets you a gift, no matter how small and the next thing you say is thank you but this gift is small,  why did you not get the bigger version of it. Maybe you said it as a joke, your partner takes it in as a joke but then  your partner also takes note of that, so will always want to look for a massive gift to get you and when he/she cannot afford one, rather than give you a small one, he/she would rather just not get anything.
That again puts him/her on the spot of believing that my spouse / partner is just one extravagant type of person, but this was now how he/she was when we first met. Thats a taught that might linger for as long as you guys are together.

"You" are the centre of the right and the wrong. "You" give people what they think of you and the best way to make them see you as a reflection of who you truly are is to be "YOURSELF".

Do not let environment influence who you are, some or most of us often want to act in a way that will soothe the environment. When you are in a  gathering of famous people you want to act extravagant and vice-versa, what is the benefit?

Is it really worth it? Why are you not living for yourself? Why are you trying to please everyone else but you? Why are you trying to join the crowd?


-Dressing: The way you dress is how you will be addressed. I am a corporate dress lover, I find it so hard to play around casuals because I am not sure my future will be needing much of it, so I have stuck with my corporates. I could even go as far as wearing a corporate casual look to go see a movie, this is me and I love me that way.

Have you settled for your style, Remember it is your style, nobody has a say. Sometimes or most times I get referred to as one boring young girl who does not want to explore. Lol, I guess it is better maybe it could have been worse. I know I have fun when I want to, so what they say does not change me.

So it is left for you to decide what you stand for, as much as we want our style to be unique, we should allow it to speak our personality.

Your dressing must reflect who you are because that is what you leave in the heart of people, you cannot explain yourself to everybody but your appearance can.


The only way what people say about you would not bother you is if you are"YOURSELF"

Image credit: Aligraphics123

1 comment :

  1. lol...Its good you know the calling of your future now..I love that

    As for dressing, i also agree with the fact that you will be addressed the way you are dressed...

    First impression matters too

    Happy New Month UJU....Been a while
