Monday, 15 April 2019

Monday Inspiration: USE THE HANDRAILS

Hello loverrrsss, It's a beautiful thing and above all a blessing to have seen a Monday again and for that I am grateful. I am grateful that I still have you in my circle reading my posts.

So, today I will be talking about USING THE HANDRAILS.

Now, you might be wondering, what exactly is about the handrail, it is simple, the Handrail is a safety measure to help you avoid a slip/fall when going up or down a step.

They are different situations in life that will require us holding fast to the handrail and taking a walk.
I will be listing a few:

  • Nay Sayers: The negative people, the "no" it cannot work people, as much as you might just need people in your life sometimes to talk you out of the wrong situation be discerning to quickly hold on to the handrail and run real fast from those who always say No to everything you do and wish to accomplish. They have NOTHING good to offer, they only want to see you fall. 
  • The Complainers: People who complain about every and anything. This is dangerous because in No time you become a complainer too. 

Monday, 8 April 2019

Monday Inspiration: Always Believe in Yourself

Hello dear lovers and readerssssssss, I trust the weekend went well and I am certain the week will turn out lovely as well, but before we dive into the week there is just one advice I will love to give which is ALWAYS BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, not your neighbor, not your friend, not your colleague, not your car but YOURSELF and then this should be done ALWAYS even when it doesn’t look like it, even when obviously the situation keeps telling you, things you haven't done right. Always believe in your self.

In every individual lies their strengths and weaknesses(EVERY) but the minute you can discover your strength and hold on fast to it, you have the best thing in the world.

Do not bother about who does believe and who doesn't believes in you. One question you should learn to ask yourself is: Am I doing the right thing, what’s the right thing? That which gives us peace on our inside, let no one take it away from you.

Saturday, 6 April 2019

Soooo glad to be back

It feels super good to be back!! Woohoo!! 

I can’t even say hello to my lovers I once had here anymore because I know I have lost most of you but we will get to have that awesome relationship again. 

A lot has happened over the years but I am grateful it has all happened for good. 

How have you been?  

Please tell me in the comment section below. 

It is going to be an awesome time of inspiration, laughter and everything amazing, I might just be doing a bit of career this time, not like I know it all but I have gotten a hang of it now and I think I can be of help. 

My U-lovers. I missed you all, I don’t know how to go about this journey but right now there is one thing I know, I have got you all and we can go through this journey together, you and I know that this is my true zone, we share and learn from the heart and we keep it true.. 

Thanks to all my friends who have encouraged me to write again, my heart blesses you and I am certain you know how important you will always be, I am super grateful and to those who kept asking why I stopped writing, well....unnecessary excuses but never mind, we are back and you and I know it only gets better. 

Please leave a comment below and tell me what you want me to write. 

Please encourage me! 

Thank you 🙏🏻