So, today I will be talking about USING THE HANDRAILS.
Now, you might be wondering, what exactly is about the handrail, it is simple, the Handrail is a safety measure to help you avoid a slip/fall when going up or down a step.
They are different situations in life that will require us holding fast to the handrail and taking a walk.
I will be listing a few:
- Nay Sayers: The negative people, the "no" it cannot work people, as much as you might just need people in your life sometimes to talk you out of the wrong situation be discerning to quickly hold on to the handrail and run real fast from those who always say No to everything you do and wish to accomplish. They have NOTHING good to offer, they only want to see you fall.
- The Complainers: People who complain about every and anything. This is dangerous because in No time you become a complainer too.